Creating an Employee Timesheet using Python

Employee timesheets are an essential tool for tracking the time spent on tasks and projects in the workplace. In this document, we will describe a Python-based employee timesheet application that can be used to manage employee timekeeping and project tracking. This application is intended to be used by managers and team leaders to track employee time and manage team workloads.


The following are the requirements for our employee timesheet application:

  • Employee login with user authentication

  • Employee time tracking with start and stop times

  • Ability to assign tasks to employees

  • Project tracking with ability to add and delete projects

  • Reporting and data visualization of employee hours worked

  • Admin dashboard for managing employee accounts and project data


Our employee timesheet application is built using Python 3 and the Flask web framework. Flask is a popular web framework for building web applications and provides a simple and flexible approach to web development.

The application uses a SQLite database to store employee data and timesheet information. SQLite is a lightweight and easy-to-use database management system that is perfect for small web applications.

We use SQLAlchemy as an Object-Relational Mapping (ORM) library to manage the interactions between our Python code and the database. SQLAlchemy provides a powerful set of tools for managing database relationships, queries, and migrations.

The application includes a number of Python modules, including:

  • - main application file, defines Flask app and routes

  • - application configuration settings

  • - database models and ORM definitions

  • - view functions and API endpoints

  • - utility functions and helpers


To use our employee timesheet application, follow these steps:

  1. Install Python 3 and pip, if they are not already installed on your system.

  2. Clone the repository to your local machine.

  3. Install the required Python packages by running pip install -r requirements.txt in your terminal or command prompt.

To run the application, you launch py3


The following are the features of our employee timesheet application:

User Authentication

Employees can log in to the application with their username and password. User authentication is implemented using the Flask-Login extension, which provides a secure and easy-to-use login system for Flask applications.

Time Tracking

Employees can track their time spent on tasks by starting and stopping a timer. The timer can be started and stopped multiple times for the same task, and the application will calculate the total time spent on the task.

Task Management

Employees can be assigned tasks by a manager or team leader. The tasks can be assigned to one or multiple employees, and each task can have a due date and priority level.

Project Tracking

Projects can be created and managed by managers or team leaders. Projects can have multiple tasks assigned to them, and the application will track the total time spent on each project.


The application includes a reporting dashboard that displays data visualizations of employee time worked, task completion rates, and project progress. The reporting dashboard can be used by managers and team leaders to track team performance and identify areas for improvement.

Admin Dashboard

The application includes an admin dashboard that allows administrators to manage employee accounts and project data. Admins can add and delete employees, assign roles and permissions, and manage project data.


In conclusion, creating an employee timesheet program using Python is a relatively straightforward process that involves designing the program's structure and functionality and implementing the program using Python code. This documentation provides a basic overview of how to create an employee timesheet program using Python, but the program's functionality can be expanded and customized to suit the needs of your business or organization.